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Silent Letters in English Words – The Sounds of Silence 英语单词中的无声字母--沉默的声音

One of the noted difficulties of English spelling is a high number of silent letters... 英语拼写的难点之一是大量的不发音字母...

Learning to speak another language is hard enough, but students of English have to deal with further issues when they come to the written form of the language, and they soon find that English words do not always look exactly how they sound. In an alphabetic writing system, a silent letter is a letter that, in a particular word, does not correspond to any sound in the word’s pronunciation.


Silent letters cause difficulties for both native speakers and English learners, because they make the spelling of words different from their pronunciation.



Here’s a list of common words with silent letters in English 下面是英语中常见的单词和不发音字母的列表

Silent A(A不发声) – Artistically, logically, musically, stoically 艺术上,逻辑上,音乐上,坚忍地Silent E(E不发声) – When added to the end of a word, it changes the pronunciation of the word, but is in itself, silent. 当添加到一个单词的末尾时,它会改变单词的发音,但它本身是无声的。Silent F(F不发声) – halfpenny 微不足道的Silent I(I不发声)– business 商业Silent P(P不发声)– corps, coup, pneumonia, pseudo, psychology, ptomaine, receipt 军团,政变,肺炎,伪,心理学,假名,收据Silent R(R不发声) – butter, finger, garden, here 黄油,手指,花园,这里Silent S(S不发声) – aisle, apropos, bourgeois, debris, fracas, island, isle, viscount 通道,恰好的,资产阶级的,碎片,吵闹,岛屿,岛,子爵

NOTE 请注意

To summarize, English Language Learners may find some aspects of the spelling of English words to be challenging, maybe even confusing, particularly silent letters. The fact that silent letters are so prevalent should be reason enough for teachers to learn more about them. A combination of factors has influenced the English language and will most likely continue to do so. The silent letters often have a purpose, even though it might not be evident at first. At a minimum, this information can be beneficial in clearing up some confusion on why English words are spelled as they are. Identifying these problematic areas of the English language helps to better teach it to students in a way that makes sense to them.

